Are you feeling like...

⇢ You have beliefs that keep you stuck in the same patterns again and again

⇢ You know your beliefs create reality but you haven’t actually been able to change yours, so you’re experiencing a mix of frustration and disappointment (which you know makes the manifestation game way harder than it needs to be)

⇢ Your manifestations aren’t fully coming true because you don’t have beliefs that actually align with and allow all the goodness, joy, love, and success you desire into your life experience (yet!)

And you want to...

✦ Be able to shift your thoughts, ideas, emotions, behaviors, and actions quickly and easily so they align with your highest self.

✦ Have an easy, on-the-go, plug and play process for shifting your beliefs so you can finally create and live the life that reflects the vision you hold for yourself, your family, your life and your world.

✦ Get access to scientifically proven methods for shifting brain states and altering your beliefs so you can actually show up with the best of what’s already within you and enjoy your life to the fullest

An Exclusive Scientifically Mastered Soundtrack Series by Dr. Tami Berry

The Subliminal Soundtrack Series Comes With:

✓ These 5 Key Beliefs Will Quickly Shift Your Mindset and Radically Change Your Life. This Series Includes: Optimal Physical Health, Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Trust, and the “I AM” Soundtracks.

✓ Each Soundtrack Includes Layers of Scientifically Proven Audio Tracks That Shift Brain Wave States, Entrain The Brain & Reprogram The Subconscious Mind

✓ Access to An Exclusive Private Podcast Feed To Take These Mind-Shifting, Life-Altering Soundtracks On-The-Go With You and Easily Use Them Every Damn Day

✓ A Transcript of the Exact Words Embedded in Each Soundtrack So You Know Precisely What You’re Reprogramming Into Your Subconscious Mind

✓ The Same Commitment To Rigorous Research & Study That I Applied To The Study Of Medicine & Surgery So You Know ALL The Content Within is Trustworthy

✓ A Follow Up Form Where You’ll Gain Awareness Around ALL the REAL Life Changes That Have Happened (Without You Even Trying) so we can celebrate all of them together. 

      (So important because celebration leads to neuro-integration!)
If you've ever wanted to:

● Create shifts in your belief systems that actually translate to major shifts in your life experience so you can actually experience the health, happiness, joy, love, abundance, and success you truly want.

● Be able to shift your beliefs more easily so you can lead a life that supports, nourishes and inspires those in your home, others in your work and life to catch a glimpse of what’s possible for them too.

● Access resources that are backed by research and scientifically proven to more fully align your beliefs, thoughts, ideas, emotions, and intentions (and actions!) so you can finally create the meaningful change you desire to see manifest in your life experience now.

Subliminal Soundtrack Series$88

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSubliminal Soundtrack Series$88

All prices in USD

  • —> What Is Subliminal Messaging & How Does It Work?
    The subconscious mind is where our beliefs, emotions, reactions, and programming for living 95% of our lives are stored. And we know that the subconscious mind is highly malleable and adaptive and can be reprogrammed through repetition (as you may have already discovered if you’ve worked with affirmations, visualizations, or other modalities for changing beliefs in the past; you may have also discovered that on your own it’s much more work and takes much more time, effort, and energy than you’ve got available).

    Yet, there is a science to accessing the subconscious mind and imprinting new beliefs into it, so it can be done quickly and easily. That science is at the root of what went into making the Subliminal Soundtrack Series Collection.

    Subliminal messaging is highly effective at altering our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, choices, and actions. That said, researchers have discovered that subliminal messages cannot override our intentions or hijack our free will. (Whew!) When the subliminal messages themselves relate to our immediate goals and align with our greater intentions, we quickly integrate and embed these thoughts, ideas, and beliefs into the subconscious mind.

    Furthermore, each soundtrack was made with binaural beat technology, which shifts brainwave states to allow these messages even greater access to the subconscious mind. This promotes brain entrainment and allows the subconscious mind to integrate into the subliminal messaging, so these beliefs can become embedded into your belief systems with ease.
  • —> How Can I Get The Most Out of These Soundtracks?
    Sit back, relax, and hit play. IT IS THAT EASY!! In fact, the more relaxed you are, the more accessible your subconscious mind is, and the more readily you can take up these new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. And when you do, you will see changes in how you feel, how you think, how you respond, how you act, the choices you make. These all change as you easily become the person you truly want to be.
  • —> How Quickly Will I See Results?
    If you use a track every day for a week, you will start to see results. In order for those results to stack and last, you should plan on listening to the tracks that resonate with you most daily for a minimum of 21 days. Our long-standing beliefs can take multiple rounds of reprogramming, and this is normal. That said, you will love using these tracks again and again, and you have lifetime access to them in your very own private podcast feed… they can go with you everywhere and anywhere you are in the world!
  • —> What If They Don’t Work For Me?
    The science is clear: if you have a human brain, then these will work for you! In fact, because the change happens so effortlessly, it’s easy to miss the changes altogether! It takes a discerning eye to catch your own transformation as it’s taking place. For this reason, a few weeks from the time of your purchase, you’ll be invited to formally reflect on your experience of using these Subliminal Soundtracks.

    In many cases, the internal and external shifts you’ll experience will be so impressive to those around you that others will notice a change in you even before you do! So, keep your eyes & ears open!!!

    In the event that you feel like change really isn’t taking place, I want you to go to the soundtrack playlist information page and review the phrases on the soundtrack. Then ask yourself if you’re willing to believe this? Are you willing to let this be true for you? Are you ready to let this be true for you? These subliminal messages can only be accepted by your subconscious mind IF you are willing to accept them or allow them in. In no way can subliminal messages bypass your freewill to choose for yourself (and that’s a damn good thing!)

    So, take note of what you want to change, what are you willing to release or stop doing, acknowledge what beliefs you are willing to accept into your life experience and be ready to see them start to shift in the days, weeks and months ahead! I’m beyond excited for you and I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!
  • —> What’s Included in the Subliminal Soundtrack Series?
    5 Mind-Altering Subliminal Soundtracks That Will Change Your Life. Each Subliminal Soundtrack has its own theme; they include the core mindset shifts that everyone must have to create a life of great health, wellbeing, love, joy, prosperity, and success! The core Subliminal Soundtrack themes include: Optimal Physical Health, Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Trust, and the “I AM” soundtrack.